SHAREit Review - How to Use the SHAREit File Transfer App
Application Software Download Free Windows
Shareit is a popular cross-platform file transfer app that can send gigabytes of data in seconds. It can reach speeds up to 20mb/s, which is 200 times faster than a traditional Bluetooth connection. The app is designed to be used with all major devices, including smartphones, PCs, and Mac computers.
Once installed, the program will immediately start looking for SHAREit devices that are within range to send files to or receive them from. Once it detects a device, you can then select the files you want to transfer and click on “Send”.
The app will automatically scan the network for available SHAREit devices, and once it finds one, it will begin transmitting your content at high-speed rates. This means you can quickly share your favorite photos, videos, or documents with friends, colleagues, or family members. It’s also a great way to present slides or other material in a conference room, classroom, or other professional setting.
It can also be used to control PowerPoint presentations from your mobile phone, so you don’t need to use a mouse or clicker when presenting. The application is perfect for transferring files to a projector or other screen, and it can even serve as a remote control for a smart TV. The only downside is that it can be a little confusing to set up – especially for older devices like the iPad or iPhone. Thankfully, the app’s interface is pretty easy to understand once you get past this initial hurdle.